
Content streaming as glare control ready for takeoff

Collin Arocho
Reading time: 5 minutes

After two years of prototype development and testing, Videowindow – a company from the high tech incubator Yes!Delft – has inked a deal to give Rotterdam The Hague Airport an artistic and high-tech upgrade in an unusual area: the windows. More specifically, the airport has agreed to test and validate the start-up’s system for glare control in its terminal.

Videowindow is definitely not your typical high tech start-up. The founders aren’t engineers, nor do they have a background in science and technology. No, this two-man team consists of the CEO and cofounder, Remco Veenbrink, who is an artist, and CFO and cofounder, Mark Oudenhoven, who is an economist.

Jokingly referred to as ‘shading as a service’ or a SAAS-solution by Veenbrink, the Videowindow system offers glare control by using embedded media functions. In other words, it’s not blinds or shades that control the penetrating light, rather, it’s the video content itself that blocks the solar rays while streaming content directly on the windows – essentially converting ordinary windows into functional, transparent video screens.

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