Jan Bosch is a research center director, professor, consultant and angel investor in startups. You can contact him at jan@janbosch.com.


10 product development fallacies

Reading time: 5 minutes

Product development in embedded-system companies is often subject to quite some fallacies and shadow beliefs. In a new series, Jan Bosch discusses ten persistent ones.

During the last months, several companies connected with me to help them with their product development process. Typically, these are embedded-systems companies with strong stage gate processes dictated by the challenges associated with mechanics and electronics. Their challenges are typically associated with procurement and manufacturing.

The reason that these companies reach out is the increasing awareness that the current ways of working aren’t resulting in the business success they used to enjoy. Either the growth isn’t there, the margins are under pressure or the market share is shrinking. It becomes obvious that what made them successful in the past is no longer working and they need to find new forms of differentiation. As the saying goes, what got us here won’t get us there.

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