Bram Nauta is a professor of IC design at the University of Twente.


We can do better than Moore’s Law

Reading time: 4 minutes

We shouldn’t write off electronics just yet. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities to pick up the pace, argues Bram Nauta.

Moore’s Law will come to an end soon. We must find alternative technologies to invest in. And hurry! Let’s do photonics! Yeah! Photons travel at the speed of light, so photonics is faster than electronics. Moreover, light doesn’t get warm, so no more cooling problems! Electronics is so old school, we need photonics.

Oh no, wait! Let’s do nanotechnology. Microelectronics is so micro. Nano is smaller than micro, so nanotechnology is better. Let’s invest in nanotechnology! Let’s make a thousand stand-alone nanostructures, measure them all under the very practical boundary condition of 4 kelvin and take an electron microscope photograph of the one working sample. One sample, who cares! Wasn’t the first transistor also not just one working sample?

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